You are a Sacred Explorer.
Let's be an informed one.
Your participation and consent are essential components of the journey.
Welcome Explorers
PRISMA Terms of Service, Health & Safety Disclaimer, and Policies
PRISMA is a sacred spiritual organization dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation through entheogenic sacraments. This page outlines our core beliefs, ethical guidelines, legal framework, and safety policies to ensure all members understand their rights, responsibilities, and the sacred nature of their participation.
Please review these terms in the tabs on the left carefully before engaging in PRISMA’s offerings.
1. PRISMA is a Sacred Spiritual Church
1.0 PRISMA is a Sacred Spiritual 501(c)(3) / 508(c)(1)(A) Church
1.1 Mission & Religious Purpose
PRISMA is a spiritual collective dedicated to facilitating personal transformation, healing, and divine communion through entheogenic sacramental practices. An Omnist organization rooted in Unitarian Universalism heritage and Entheist in Sect, PRISMA provides an inclusive, safe, and legally protected space for members to explore consciousness, deepen self-awareness, and engage in collective spiritual work.
PRISMA is a recognized religious organization operating under 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based exemption, ensuring full legal protection and religious autonomy under U.S. law.
1.2 501(c)(3) Status
PRISMA is a tax-exempt religious institution, ensuring that all donations, contributions, and funds are used solely for religious, educational, and charitable purposes.
As a faith-based nonprofit, PRISMA adheres to legal guidelines that govern religious organizations, ensuring transparency, integrity, and mission-aligned financial management.
1.3 508(c)(1)(A) Status
PRISMA operates under 508(c)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code, which exempts churches from certain government oversight and annual reporting requirements.
- This status ensures PRISMA’s right to self-governance, allowing it to operate free from undue state intervention while maintaining the spiritual sovereignty of its sacraments and practices.
- Unlike traditional nonprofits, 508(c)(1)(A) churches are not required to file annual IRS Form 990, reinforcing PRISMA’s privacy and autonomy.
1.4 Legal Protection & Religious Freedom Under RFRA
PRISMA is legally protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993, which prohibits the government from restricting religious practices without a compelling justification.
- As a faith-based church, PRISMA recognizes entheogens as sacred sacraments, facilitating religious ceremonies and spiritual practices in full alignment with RFRA protections.
- PRISMA does not engage in commercial activity, lobbying, or partisan politics, ensuring strict adherence to its spiritual mission and legal standing.
2. Statement of Belief
2.0 Statement of Belief
2.1 Core Beliefs
PRISMA embraces a spiritually inclusive framework, drawing wisdom from multiple traditions while centering the transformative power of entheogens in religious practice. Our beliefs recognize:
- The interconnectedness of all life and the divine presence within each being.
- The sacred role of entheogens in facilitating direct spiritual experiences, self-discovery, and healing.
- The importance of conscious exploration, personal sovereignty, and responsible engagement with spiritual sacraments.
2.2 PRISMA as an Entheist and Omnist Organization
PRISMA’s values are rooted in a blend of Entheism—the belief that the Divine is within and we are all interconnected as One—and Omnism, the recognition that wisdom, truth, and legitimacy both exist and can be found in all spiritual paths. We embrace the wisdom and truth found across all spiritual traditions while honoring the unique journey of every individual, affirming that spiritual exploration is the birthright of all humans.
This inclusive approach reflects our belief that no single tradition holds all the answers, but that every path contributes to the understanding of the Divine and the interconnectedness of all life.
2.3 At PRISMA, We Believe:
- We are spiritual beings experiencing human life, each a unique reflection of Divine Consciousness. I am you, you are me, and together we are ONE, united in our shared existence at this moment in time.
- Life and death are expressions of conscious energy. All that exists is energy, infinite and eternal, as energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This means Divine Consciousness—and the essence of who you are—is boundless and everlasting, expressed in different forms and awarenesses.
- Love is the highest spiritual practice. Unconditional love, support, and mutual healing are essential to our shared journey. Learning and growth do not end with adulthood; we are here to uplift and teach one another at every stage of life.
- Our beliefs shape our reality. The state of our minds and hearts manifests the world we experience. When we are connected to Divine Consciousness, we create harmony and joy; when disconnected, we may create suffering.
- Sacred psilocybin mushrooms and plant-based medicines are an essential sacrament. These gifts from the Source allow us to commune with Divine Consciousness in a profound and transformative way, offering guidance, healing, and connection.
2.4 Relationship with Entheogens
PRISMA regards entheogens as sacred tools that facilitate communion with the divine and deeper self-awareness. These sacraments are approached with reverence, intention, and ethical responsibility within a structured and supportive spiritual practice.
- Entheogenic ceremonies are conducted in alignment with PRISMA’s ethical guidelines and with respect for individual readiness and intention.
- Members are encouraged to cultivate mindfulness, integration practices, and ongoing spiritual development beyond sacramental use.
- The relationship with entheogens is guided by principles of safety, respect, and the recognition of their historical and cultural significance.
3. Values
3.0 Our Values
3.1 Foundational Principles At PRISMA, our founding principles serve as guiding lenses through which we approach healing, growth, and transformation for all beings. Rooted in the belief of a transcendent humanity, these principles reflect our commitment to the flourishing of every individual.
By integrating Unitarian Universalist principles, the teachings of Abraham Maslow, Omnism, Entheism, and progressive spirituality, PRISMA offers a non-traditional, inclusive, and forward-thinking spiritual space. Here, we honor the diversity of paths to spiritual awakening and create a community where every person’s journey is respected and supported.
3.2 Core Values
- Safety, Psychological Well-Being, and Support – Safety—both physical and psychological—is foundational to the PRISMA experience. We provide a secure and nurturing environment where participants feel safe to explore, express themselves, and engage in transformative processes. PRISMA’s unique focus on neurodiverse and queer communities aligns with the RFRA principle of religious inclusivity.
- Spiritual Growth, Awareness, and Integration – Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey of discovering deeper truths about oneself, others, and the divine. At PRISMA, we believe that true spiritual awakening comes from integrating the wisdom gained through these experiences into everyday life.
- Service and Compassionate Giving – Service is integral to our ethos. We believe that by offering compassion and support to others, we cultivate greater personal growth and contribute to the healing of the world.
- Transformative Exploration and Psychedelic Journeying – PRISMA sees psychedelic sacraments as sacred tools, a birthright of humans, utilized for deepening awareness, unlocking creativity, and facilitating profound self-discovery and transformation through communion with the Divine.
- Justice, Equality, and Community Engagement – Justice, equality, and fairness are central to PRISMA’s mission. We are committed to creating an inclusive, welcoming environment where every individual is treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.
- Authentic Self-Expression and Creativity – We value the uniqueness of each individual and encourage authentic self-expression. Creativity and vulnerability are vital to both personal growth and communal enrichment. We call this being our very own "frequency," and want every human to find their own refraction of the Light in this world.
4. Sacraments
4.0 Sacraments
4.1 The Role of Sacraments
Sacraments serve as the bridge between human experience and divine communion. At PRISMA, sacraments are sacred rituals designed to foster spiritual growth, self-discovery, and healing.
4.2 Entheogenic Sacraments
PRISMA recognizes entheogens—including psilocybin mushrooms and other plant-based sacraments—as sacred tools for transformation. These are used in a safe, guided, and intentional manner within PRISMA’s ceremonial framework.
4.3 Common Entheogenic Sacraments Recognized by PRISMA
- Ayahuasca – A traditional Amazonian brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis plant. Ayahuasca is known for its profound visionary experiences and is used to gain spiritual insights and emotional healing.
- San Pedro (Huachuma) – A cactus native to the Andes, containing mescaline as its active component. San Pedro ceremonies are conducted to foster deep spiritual reflection and connection with nature.
- Psilocybin Mushrooms – Fungi containing the psychoactive compound psilocybin. These mushrooms have been used in various indigenous traditions to facilitate mystical experiences and personal transformation.
- MDMA – A synthetic compound known for its empathogenic effects, fostering feelings of emotional closeness and introspection. In controlled settings, MDMA is used to assist in trauma recovery and to enhance therapeutic processes.
- Rapé – A traditional snuff made from powdered tobacco and other sacred herbs. Administered through the nasal passages, Rapé is used to ground the mind, clear energetic blockages, and enhance focus during spiritual practices.
- Sacred Cacao – Derived from the cacao bean, this plant medicine has been used in ceremonial contexts to open the heart, facilitate meditation, and promote a sense of unity and joy.
4.4 Sacred Use and Intentionality
- Reverence and Ritual – PRISMA holds sacred entheogenic ceremonies with deep reverence, emphasizing preparation, intention-setting, and mindful participation.
- Guided Experience – Every sacramental journey is conducted in a safe and structured environment, guided by trained facilitators who honor both ancient traditions and modern best practices.
- Personal and Collective Healing – These sacraments serve as catalysts for profound personal transformation, enabling individuals to connect with their deepest truths and the broader web of existence.
4.5 Ethical Guidelines and Safety Measures
- Informed Participation – All participants undergo thorough preparation, including education on the effects, risks, and ethical considerations of entheogenic use.
- Physical and Psychological Safety – PRISMA ensures that each ceremony is conducted with proper safeguards, including health screenings and post-ceremony integration support.
- Cultural Respect and Integrity – PRISMA acknowledges the indigenous and historical roots of entheogenic sacraments and actively works to practice them with respect, responsibility, and gratitude.
5.0 PRISMA Bylaws
5.1 Article I: Name and Purpose
Name: The name of the organization shall be PRISMA.
Purpose: PRISMA is legally structured as a religious organization under Delaware law, operating in the tradition of Unitarian Universalism with a distinct Entheist sect focus, drawing from Mazatec, Druidic, and best modern ceremonial practices. PRISMA provides a supportive and intentional container for personal healing, connection, growth, and exploration through shared practices, entheogenic journeying, education, and integration. It is committed to serving all people, with a particular focus on the neurodiverse and queer communities.
5.2 Article II: Membership
Eligibility: Membership is open to all individuals who align with the values and purpose of PRISMA, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic status.
Admission: Prospective members must complete a membership application and participate in an introductory orientation session, which may include an Exploration Call to review their intentions and understanding of PRISMA’s mission.
Rights and Responsibilities: Members have the right to participate in PRISMA’s programs and activities, contribute to community discussions, and engage in personal and collective spiritual growth. Members are expected to uphold the values and mission of PRISMA, support the community, and participate in integration and mutual learning.
5.3 Article III: Governance
Single-Member Board: Governance of PRISMA shall be vested solely in its Founder, Lead Navigator, and Spiritual Director (hereafter referred to as the "Sole Board Member"). The Sole Board Member shall have full authority over strategic direction, operations, financial sustainability, and decision-making for PRISMA.
Advisory Elders: While PRISMA operates with a single-member board, an Advisory Elder Circle may be formed to provide guidance and insight in an advisory capacity. These individuals shall not hold governing authority but will serve as consultants in their respective areas of expertise.
Decision-Making: All decisions regarding PRISMA’s governance, programs, finances, and operations shall be made by the Sole Board Member, with consultation from advisory members when deemed necessary.
5.4 Article IV: Meetings
Annual Meeting: The Sole Board Member shall conduct an annual review of PRISMA’s activities, finances, and overall direction. Advisory Elders may be invited to provide insights and recommendations.
Regular Meetings: The Sole Board Member may hold regular meetings with Advisory Elders or community leaders as necessary to discuss programs, growth, and operational considerations.
5.5 Article V: Financial Management
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31.
Financial Oversight: The Sole Board Member shall ensure financial integrity and transparency, maintaining financial records, approving budgets, and overseeing financial reports. A third-party financial consultant or accountant may be retained to support financial management.
Dissolution: In the event of PRISMA’s dissolution, all remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit organization with a similar mission, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
5.6 Article VI: Amendments
Amendments: These bylaws may be amended at any time at the sole discretion of the Sole Board Member, with appropriate documentation and notification to relevant stakeholders as necessary.
5.7 Article VII: Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest Policy: The Sole Board Member must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to PRISMA’s operations, finances, or decision-making processes. Advisory Elders shall also disclose any conflicts of interest in their advisory capacity.
6. Legal Compliance Statement & RFRA Protections
6.0 Legal Compliance Statement & RFRA Protections
6.1 Legal Standing PRISMA operates as a legally recognized religious organization under 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based exemption. This ensures that our spiritual practices, including the use of entheogenic sacraments, are protected under U.S. law. As a religious institution, PRISMA is exempt from certain regulatory oversight and reporting requirements, safeguarding its autonomy and mission.
6.2 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) Protections The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993 provides PRISMA with strong legal protections for its spiritual practices. Under RFRA:
- The government cannot impose a substantial burden on PRISMA’s religious practices unless it demonstrates a compelling interest and uses the least restrictive means.
- PRISMA’s entheogenic ceremonies are protected as legitimate religious exercises, ensuring members can engage in sacramental practices without undue interference.
- Legal precedents affirm the right of religious organizations to incorporate entheogenic sacraments into their spiritual traditions, reinforcing PRISMA’s standing within U.S. constitutional protections.
6.3 Compliance and Ethical Standards
- PRISMA operates in full compliance with all applicable religious and nonprofit laws, maintaining transparency in governance and financial stewardship.
- Our sacred entheogenic practices align with ethical and safety standards, ensuring responsible facilitation, participant consent, and harm reduction.
- PRISMA does not engage in commercial distribution of entheogens, aligning with federal religious use exemptions rather than controlled substance laws applicable to non-religious entities.
6.4 Limitations and Responsibilities PRISMA’s legal protections under RFRA apply exclusively within its religious and spiritual context. While PRISMA’s sacraments are legally protected as religious practices, members acknowledge that RFRA does not provide immunity from federal or state law outside of these sacred contexts. Participants are encouraged to engage in these practices with integrity, respect, and an understanding of their personal and legal responsibilities.
7. Code of Ethics
7.0 PRISMA Code of Ethics
The PRISMA Code of Ethics serves to protect the safety and welfare of explorers (participants in sacrament ceremonies) and uphold the integrity of ministers (Navigators). Rooted in the sacred practice of psilocybin-assisted healing and spiritual awakening, these ethical guidelines define the principles that govern our ceremonial practice, ensuring a foundation of safety, responsibility, and trust.
PRISMA ministers are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, ethical practice, and spiritual service. This Code of Ethics is modeled after best practices in the field, including guidelines from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and entheogenic spiritual organizations.
7.1 Safety
We commit to the physical, psychological, and spiritual safety of all explorers.
- Conduct thorough medical and psychological screening before allowing participation.
- Ensure that explorers have the necessary personal support and a stable environment for integration.
- Implement rigorous safety measures during ceremony, including fall prevention, emergency planning, and ensuring explorers remain within the designated ceremonial space.
- Maintain on-call medical and crisis support in case of emergency.
- Provide post-ceremony integration and continued spiritual guidance.
- Never abandon a mystic in distress. Responsible termination includes preparation, support, and appropriate referrals.
- Maintain secure storage of sacramental psilocybin-containing mushrooms to prevent unauthorized access.
7.2 Confidentiality and Privacy
We honor the sacred and private nature of each mystic’s experience.
- Inform explorers of confidentiality policies during the intake process.
- Maintain secure records of participation and integration discussions.
- Only disclose information when legally required, such as in cases of immediate harm, abuse, or court orders.
- Engage in professional consultation only under strict privacy protections.
- Seek legal counsel when necessary to uphold confidentiality.
7.3 Transparency
We uphold informed consent, honesty, and autonomy.
- Clearly explain the nature, risks, and benefits of sacrament ceremony before participation.
- Obtain explicit consent before engaging in physical touch, recording sessions, or including assistants in ceremony.
- Allow explorers to withdraw consent at any time.
- Clearly communicate suggested donation amounts before ceremony participation.
- Ensure honest representation of the healing potential and limitations of sacramental practices.
7.4 Spiritual Alliance and Trust
We act in service, humility, and alignment with the inner healing intelligence of our explorers.
- Establish trust-based, safe, and respectful relationships with explorers.
- Respect each mystic’s autonomy, pace, and unique healing path.
- Remain aware of the inherent power dynamics between ministers and explorers, prioritizing empowerment over authority.
- Avoid dual relationships that may create conflicts of interest.
- Disclose potential conflicts of interest and seek ethical consultation as needed.
7.5 Use of Touch
When touch is incorporated, we commit to consent-based, non-exploitative, and appropriate interactions.
- Explain and obtain consent for any touch before sacrament ingestion.
- Clearly define the purpose of touch—grounding, comfort, and safety only.
- Provide explorers with verbal and non-verbal ways to stop touch at any time.
- Never engage in sexual touch, ambiguous physical contact, or touch without prior consent.
7.6 Sexual Boundaries
We strictly prohibit sexual relationships or misconduct between ministers and explorers.
- Do not engage in or respond to sexual advances during or after the minister-mystic relationship.
- Abstain from sexual relationships with explorers, their partners, or close family members.
- Seek supervision and self-reflection on countertransference and boundary maintenance.
- Commit to clear professional and ethical sexual conduct in all aspects of life.
7.7 Diversity and Inclusion
We honor diverse identities, cultures, and spiritual traditions.
- Reject discrimination on the basis of race, gender, identity, age, sexuality, socioeconomic status, or ability.
- Foster cultural humility by engaging in continuous self-education and deconstructing biases.
- Ensure that all practices are culturally informed, accessible, and inclusive.
- Refer explorers to appropriate cultural or spiritual practitioners when additional guidance is needed.
7.8 Considerations for Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
explorers in non-ordinary states require heightened ethical vigilance.
- Remain aware of the potential for suggestibility and unconscious material to arise.
- Avoid coercion, manipulation, or imposing personal beliefs.
- Uphold explorers' spiritual sovereignty, never imposing interpretations of their experiences.
- Conduct careful preparation, ceremony orientation, and post-experience integration.
- Provide crisis support and medical/psychological referrals as needed.
7.9 Financial Ethics
We commit to transparency, fairness, and accessibility in financial practices.
- Clearly communicate donation amounts before enrollment.
- Offer sliding scale options, scholarships, or financial assistance where possible.
- Never exploit explorers for financial gain or charge referral fees.
- Maintain ethical financial and business practices.
7.10 Competence and Growth
We are committed to ongoing spiritual and professional development.
- Only facilitate within the scope of our training and experience.
- Seek ongoing education, consultation, and self-improvement.
- Refer explorers to more qualified ministers or professionals when needed.
- Engage in mentorship, feedback, and accountability.
7.11 Relationship with Colleagues and PRISMA Community
We foster collaborative, respectful, and ethical relationships.
- Maintain mutual support, transparency, and ethical accountability among ministers.
- Seek and provide constructive feedback for professional integrity.
- Represent PRISMA ethically in public, social media, and media engagements.
7.12 Relationship to Self
We commit to self-examination, self-care, and ethical integrity.
- Maintain self-awareness of biases, motivations, and personal challenges.
- Seek professional support for personal difficulties that may affect ministerial integrity.
- Approach this work with humility, reverence, and deep respect for the transformational power of entheogens.
7.13 Final Commitment
PRISMA ministers commit to upholding this Code of Ethics, maintaining ethical excellence, and holding ourselves accountable to these sacred responsibilities. Through these commitments, we serve as guardians of safety, healing, and transformation within the entheogenic spiritual path.
8. Medical and Safety Disclaimer
8.0 Medical and Safety Disclaimer
8.1 Purpose and Scope
This Medical and Safety Disclaimer outlines the health considerations, eligibility criteria, and responsibilities of individuals engaging with PRISMA’s entheogenic sacraments. Participation in PRISMA ceremonies is voluntary and requires informed consent regarding potential risks and contraindications.
8.2 No Medical or Psychological Claims
- PRISMA is a spiritual organization and does not provide medical, psychiatric, or psychotherapeutic services.
- PRISMA ministers (Navigators) are not licensed medical or mental health professionals and do not offer diagnosis, treatment, or medical care.
- Participation in PRISMA sacraments is not a substitute for medical treatment, psychiatric therapy, or professional counseling.
- Explorers are responsible for consulting their own medical and mental health professionals before engaging in ceremonies.
8.3 Contraindications for Participation
Participation in entheogenic sacrament ceremonies may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with the following conditions should not participate:
Medical Conditions
- Cardiovascular disease (e.g., hypertension, heart arrhythmias, history of heart attack, stroke)
- Severe or uncontrolled diabetes
- Epilepsy or history of seizures
- Serious respiratory conditions (e.g., COPD, severe asthma)
- Neurological disorders that may be affected by entheogenic substances
Mental Health Conditions
- History of psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or dissociative disorders
- Active suicidal ideation or self-harming behaviors
- Severe anxiety disorders or PTSD symptoms that may be exacerbated
- Any condition requiring antipsychotic medication or significant psychiatric intervention
Medication Interactions
Certain prescription medications may have dangerous interactions with entheogens. Participants must disclose any medications during screening. Medications of concern include:
- SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, and other antidepressants (Risk: serotonin syndrome, decreased sacrament efficacy)
- Benzodiazepines and sedatives (Risk: diminished spiritual effects, potential withdrawal risk)
- Stimulants and amphetamines (Risk: cardiovascular strain, altered psychological response)
- Blood pressure medications (Risk: unpredictable cardiovascular effects)
8.4 Screening and Informed Consent
Before participating in any PRISMA ceremony, all explorers must:
- Complete a health and psychological screening to assess eligibility.
- Provide honest disclosure of medical history, medications, and psychological conditions.
- Sign an informed consent agreement, acknowledging risks, responsibilities, and the non-medical nature of PRISMA’s sacramental practices.
- Engage in preparation and integration guidance, ensuring a grounded and intentional experience.
- PRISMA encourages open dialogue with doctors, therapists, and other healthcare providers to support holistic well-being and ensure a comprehensive approach to safety and integration.
8.5 Ceremony Safety Measures
- All ceremonies are conducted in controlled environments with trained Navigators ensuring safety.
- Explorers are monitored throughout the experience to prevent harm or distress.
- Emergency protocols are in place, including on-call medical support when necessary.
- Explorers are not permitted to leave the ceremonial space until fully grounded and assessed as stable.
8.6 Responsibilities of Participants
By engaging with PRISMA’s spiritual practices, explorers agree to:
- Participate willingly and responsibly, following all preparation and safety protocols.
- Abstain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and contraindicated substances before and after ceremony.
- Notify Navigators of any emerging medical or psychological concerns before, during, or after ceremony.
- Engage in post-ceremony integration to support continued spiritual and psychological well-being.
- Seek guidance from their healthcare providers as needed, to ensure their participation aligns with their overall health and wellness plan.
- Understand that while PRISMA provides spiritual support, medical and psychological care should be coordinated with licensed professionals where appropriate. By engaging with PRISMA’s spiritual practices, explorers agree to:
- Participate willingly and responsibly, following all preparation and safety protocols.
- Abstain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and contraindicated substances before and after ceremony.
- Notify Navigators of any emerging medical or psychological concerns before, during, or after the ceremony.
- Engage in post-ceremony integration to support continued spiritual and psychological well-being.
8.7 Membership and Participation Agreement
Participation in PRISMA’s sacramental ceremonies is exclusive to members who:
- Have undergone the Pathfinder Membership Screening
- Acknowledge and agree to PRISMA’s Code of Ethics and Sacrament Guidelines
- Understand that participation is a spiritual practice protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) but does not grant immunity from federal or state laws.
8.8 Legal Considerations and Liability Waiver
- PRISMA operates under 508(c)(1)(A) religious organization protections and abides by legal precedents affirming entheogenic religious use.
- Participants understand that entheogenic practices remain federally restricted and assume any personal legal risks associated with participation.
- All explorers must sign a liability waiver, affirming that they fully understand the risks, benefits, and voluntary nature of participation.
- PRISMA and its Navigators are not liable for any physical, psychological, or legal consequences resulting from participation in sacramental ceremonies.
8.9 Final Acknowledgment
By choosing to participate, explorers affirm their understanding that:
- PRISMA ceremonies are spiritual experiences, not medical treatments.
- They have disclosed all necessary health information and accept responsibility for their well-being.
- They will engage in integration and follow-up care as needed to ensure a holistic approach to healing.
This disclaimer serves to uphold PRISMA’s commitment to safety, integrity, and informed spiritual practice while protecting the rights and responsibilities of all explorers and Navigators involved.
9. Participant Responsibility
9.0 Member Responsibility & Community Conduct
9.1 Commitment to Personal Integrity
PRISMA members commit to upholding the values, ethics, and spiritual intentions of the organization. Participation in PRISMA’s ceremonies and community requires individuals to act with honesty, integrity, and respect toward themselves, fellow members, and Navigators.
9.2 Informed Participation
- Members acknowledge that participation in entheogenic sacraments is a personal and voluntary choice and take full responsibility for their decision.
- Members are encouraged to educate themselves on the nature, effects, and responsibilities of sacrament participation.
- Members must honestly disclose any medical, psychological, or personal concerns that may impact their ability to safely participate.
- Members agree to follow all preparatory and integration guidelines provided by PRISMA to support a meaningful and responsible experience.
9.3 Adherence to Safety Protocols
- Members commit to abiding by all safety guidelines and instructions given by PRISMA Navigators before, during, and after ceremonies.
- Members understand that PRISMA ceremonies are facilitated in controlled environments where participation is monitored for safety and well-being.
- Members agree to stay within the designated ceremonial space for the duration of the ceremony and follow grounding protocols before leaving.
- Members agree to abstain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and other contraindicated substances prior to and after ceremonies.
9.4 Respect for Sacred Space & Community Conduct
- Members honor PRISMA’s ceremonial spaces as sacred and intentional environments for spiritual exploration and healing.
- Members commit to treating all fellow explorers and Navigators with kindness, respect, and confidentiality.
- Disruptive, aggressive, or harmful behavior toward others or the ceremonial space will result in removal from PRISMA’s programs and membership.
- Members agree to maintain confidentiality regarding other explorers’ personal experiences and not disclose identities or details outside the PRISMA community.
9.5 Online & In-Person Conduct Expectations
- Members are expected to uphold PRISMA’s values in all interactions, whether in person, online, or through social media platforms.
- Respectful Communication: All members agree to engage in discussions with kindness, compassion, and consideration, avoiding hostility, bullying, or personal attacks.
- Social Media & Digital Spaces: Members must represent PRISMA with integrity and refrain from spreading misinformation, sharing private community discussions, or engaging in defamatory or misleading statements about the organization or its members.
- Non-Harassment & Inclusion Policies: PRISMA does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or exclusion based on race, gender, identity, sexuality, disability, or any protected status.
- Confidentiality: Members agree not to record, distribute, or share sensitive discussions, ceremonies, or private teachings beyond the PRISMA community without explicit consent.
9.6 Commitment to Integration & Continued Growth
- Members recognize that entheogenic experiences require post-ceremony integration and commit to engaging in reflection, self-care, and integration practices.
- Members agree to participate in recommended integration circles, mentorship, or counseling as needed to process their experiences.
- Members acknowledge that personal responsibility does not end after the ceremony and commit to ongoing self-work and spiritual development.
9.7 Collaboration with Health Professionals
- PRISMA encourages members to consult their doctors, therapists, or other healthcare providers to ensure their participation aligns with their overall health and wellness.
- Members acknowledge that PRISMA Navigators are not medical professionals and that any medical or psychological concerns should be discussed with licensed professionals.
- Members agree to follow any professional guidance given regarding their suitability for participation in sacrament ceremonies.
9.8 Financial Responsibility
- Members understand that PRISMA is a donation-supported spiritual organization and agree to contribute fairly to sustain the community and its offerings.
- Suggested donations for ceremonies, mentorship, and integration services will be clearly communicated in advance to ensure transparency.
- Members may apply for sliding-scale or sponsored participation but agree to honor PRISMA’s financial sustainability practices.
9.9 Agreement to PRISMA’s Code of Ethics & Policies
- Members acknowledge that participation in PRISMA is contingent upon adherence to the organization’s Code of Ethics and policies.
- Any violations of PRISMA’s ethics, community agreements, or ceremonial guidelines may result in temporary or permanent suspension of membership.
- Members agree to seek conflict resolution through designated PRISMA channels if concerns arise within the community.
9.10 Final Acknowledgment
By participating in PRISMA, members confirm that:
- They understand and accept their personal responsibility in engaging with sacraments and spiritual practices.
- They have read, understood, and agree to uphold PRISMA’s safety guidelines, ethical commitments, and spiritual framework.
- They accept that PRISMA is a faith-based organization and that participation is based on mutual respect, informed choice, and responsible engagement.
This Member Responsibility & Community Conduct agreement ensures that all explorers within PRISMA are conscious participants in a sacred, ethical, and safe community environment. It upholds the spiritual integrity of PRISMA while fostering individual and collective transformation.
10. Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC)
10.0 Essential Eligibility Criteria
10.1 Purpose and Overview
Participation in PRISMA’s entheogenic sacraments requires that explorers meet specific eligibility criteria to ensure safety, well-being, and alignment with the spiritual framework of the organization. These criteria help uphold the integrity of ceremonies and protect both the individual and the collective PRISMA community.
10.2 Baseline Eligibility Requirements
To engage in PRISMA’s sacramental practices, explorers must:
- Be at least 21 years of age or meet the legal age requirement for sacramental participation under relevant jurisdictional laws.
- Be mentally, physically, and emotionally stable, as assessed through PRISMA’s intake process.
- Demonstrate willingness and informed consent, understanding the nature of entheogenic ceremonies as spiritual, not medical, practices.
- Have no current or recent history of psychosis, schizophrenia, or severe bipolar disorder, unless cleared by a licensed mental health professional.
- Not currently be taking contraindicated medications (e.g., MAOIs, SSRIs, stimulants, antipsychotics) without medical supervision and tapering guidance if necessary.
- Have a support system in place, such as friends, family, or a therapist, to assist in integration and aftercare.
10.3 Psychological and Emotional Readiness
Explorers must:
- Be in a psychologically stable state and not experiencing acute mental health crises.
- Demonstrate an ability to self-regulate emotions and manage stress, particularly in non-ordinary states of consciousness.
- Show personal accountability for their mental and emotional preparation before engaging in sacramental experiences.
- Understand that entheogenic sacraments can bring up deep-seated emotions, past traumas, or suppressed memories, and be willing to engage in responsible integration practices.
10.4 Physical Health Considerations
Explorers must be in sufficient physical health to safely participate. Contraindications include:
- Severe cardiovascular conditions (e.g., uncontrolled hypertension, heart arrhythmias, recent heart attack, stroke history).
- Epilepsy, a history of seizures, or other neurological conditions that could be worsened by entheogenic substances.
- Respiratory conditions that could impair breathing during the ceremony.
- Uncontrolled diabetes or other metabolic disorders that may be affected by altered physiological states.
- Any condition requiring life-sustaining medication that could be impacted by fasting or entheogen ingestion.
10.5 Spiritual and Ethical Alignment
Participants must:
- Approach PRISMA’s sacraments with sincerity, humility, and a genuine desire for spiritual transformation.
- Demonstrate a commitment to personal responsibility and self-growth, recognizing that entheogenic experiences are catalysts for deep inner work.
- Respect PRISMA’s spiritual framework and ceremonial traditions.
- Engage with sacraments with intention, reverence, and a commitment to inner exploration.
- Cultivate an attitude of openness, curiosity, and personal reflection in preparation for and during ceremonies.
- Be willing to actively integrate insights gained from sacramental experiences into their daily lives.
- Agree to adhere to PRISMA’s Code of Ethics and community guidelines.
- Not engage in sacramental experiences for recreational or exploitative purposes. Participants must:
- Respect PRISMA’s spiritual framework and ceremonial traditions.
- Engage with sacraments with intention, reverence, and a commitment to inner exploration.
- Agree to adhere to PRISMA’s Code of Ethics and community guidelines.
- Not engage in sacramental experiences for recreational or exploitative purposes.
10.6 Screening and Verification Process
- All explorers must complete PRISMA’s intake and screening process, which may include written applications, interviews, and psychological assessments.
- Explorers must disclose any medical or mental health conditions truthfully.
- A Navigator consultation may be required for individuals with complex medical or psychological histories to determine suitability.
- PRISMA reserves the right to deny participation if an individual is deemed unprepared, unsafe, or misaligned with the organization’s mission and practices.
10.7 Ongoing Eligibility Review
- Eligibility is not a one-time determination; explorers may be asked to reassess their readiness for ceremonies as needed.
- Life circumstances, mental health changes, or medication shifts may impact an explorer’s eligibility, and PRISMA encourages transparency in reassessment.
- Explorers who no longer meet eligibility criteria due to health or ethical concerns may be temporarily or permanently deferred from participation.
10.8 Acknowledgment and Agreement
By applying to participate in PRISMA’s sacramental ceremonies, explorers acknowledge that:
- They meet all eligibility criteria as outlined in this document.
- They accept full responsibility for their participation and its outcomes.
- They agree to disclose any changes in health status that may impact their ability to safely participate.
- They understand that PRISMA reserves the right to deny, delay, or condition participation based on eligibility assessments.
This Essential Eligibility Criteria ensures that all explorers engage in PRISMA’s spiritual practices responsibly, ethically, and with the necessary preparation for transformative experiences.
11. Liability Waiver
11.0 Liability Waiver
11.1 Acknowledgment of Voluntary Participation
Participation in PRISMA’s sacramental ceremonies is entirely voluntary. By engaging in PRISMA’s offerings, explorers acknowledge that they are doing so of their own free will and assume full responsibility for their experiences and outcomes.
11.2 Assumption of Risk
- Explorers understand that participation in entheogenic ceremonies involves non-ordinary states of consciousness, which may lead to psychological, emotional, or physical effects that vary from person to person.
- Explorers acknowledge that there are potential risks, including but not limited to:
- Emotional distress or psychological challenges
- Temporary confusion or disorientation
- Physiological reactions, such as nausea or increased heart rate
- The resurfacing of suppressed or traumatic memories
- Potential interactions with pre-existing health conditions
- Explorers accept that these risks exist even with all reasonable safety measures in place.
11.3 No Medical or Psychological Guarantees
- PRISMA is a spiritual organization, not a medical or psychological institution.
- PRISMA Navigators are not licensed medical professionals or therapists and do not provide medical treatment or psychological counseling.
- Participation in PRISMA ceremonies is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care.
- Explorers should consult with their own healthcare providers to determine if participation is appropriate for them.
11.4 Personal Responsibility and Conduct
- Explorers assume full responsibility for their well-being before, during, and after ceremonies.
- Explorers agree to follow all safety guidelines, preparatory instructions, and integration protocols provided by PRISMA.
- Explorers commit to maintaining respectful, responsible, and ethical behavior during ceremonies and within the PRISMA community.
- Explorers agree that failure to comply with PRISMA’s guidelines may result in removal from ceremonies and/or membership.
11.5 Waiver of Liability
By participating in PRISMA’s offerings, explorers agree to release, waive, and discharge PRISMA, its Navigators, advisors, and affiliates from any liability, claims, or demands arising from participation, including but not limited to:
- Physical injury, illness, or health complications
- Emotional or psychological distress
- Legal consequences related to participation
- Any unforeseen effects resulting from entheogenic sacrament use
11.6 Legal and Religious Protections
- PRISMA operates as a faith-based organization under 508(c)(1)(A) religious organization protections, allowing for the legal exercise of entheogenic sacraments as part of its spiritual practice.
- Participation in PRISMA ceremonies is protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which ensures that religious practices are not unduly burdened by federal laws unless a compelling governmental interest is demonstrated.
- Explorers acknowledge that entheogenic sacraments remain federally restricted substances and that RFRA protections apply only within the scope of PRISMA’s religious practices.
- Explorers understand that PRISMA does not provide immunity from federal, state, or local law enforcement actions outside of its religious framework.
- Explorers agree to comply with all applicable laws and assume responsibility for any personal legal risks associated with participation.
- PRISMA encourages explorers to consult legal professionals if they have concerns regarding their participation in entheogenic sacramental practices.
11.7 Binding Agreement
- Explorers acknowledge that entheogenic sacraments remain federally restricted substances and that participation does not provide legal immunity outside PRISMA’s religious protections.
- Explorers agree to comply with all applicable laws and assume responsibility for any personal legal risks associated with participation.
- Explorers confirm that they have had adequate opportunity to ask questions and receive explanations regarding this waiver.
- Explorers affirm that they are of sound mind and legal age and that they fully understand and accept the terms of this waiver.
11.7 Binding Agreement
This liability waiver is a legally binding agreement that applies to the explorer, their heirs, legal representatives, and assigns. By signing or otherwise acknowledging this document, explorers agree that they have read, understood, and voluntarily accept the terms set forth herein.
This Liability Waiver ensures that PRISMA operates with integrity while protecting both explorers and the organization within the sacred framework of its spiritual mission.
12. Non-Medical Status
12.0 Non-Medical Status & Informed Consent
12.1 Understanding of Participation
PRISMA is a faith-based spiritual organization that facilitates entheogenic sacraments for spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and healing. Participation is entirely voluntary, and members must acknowledge their personal responsibility in engaging with these experiences.
By participating in PRISMA’s offerings, members affirm their understanding of these practices, their responsibilities, and the inherent risks involved.
12.2 Voluntary Participation & Personal Responsibility
- Members acknowledge that entheogenic experiences can induce profound psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects, which may be challenging to process.
- PRISMA does not guarantee specific outcomes from participation, as each experience is unique.
- Members take full responsibility for their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being before, during, and after participation.
12.3 Non-Medical Status & No Guarantees of Healing
- PRISMA is a spiritual, not medical or psychological, organization and does not provide medical treatment or therapy.
- PRISMA Navigators are not licensed medical professionals and do not offer medical advice, psychiatric counseling, or clinical interventions.
- Members agree that entheogenic sacraments are not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care and are encouraged to consult their healthcare providers before participation.
12.4 PRISMA’s Limited Liability & Assumption of Risk
By participating in PRISMA’s ceremonies or spiritual programs, members confirm that:
- They fully assume all risks associated with participation.
- They release PRISMA, its Navigators, and facilitators from any liability related to emotional, psychological, physical, or legal consequences of participation.
- They accept full personal responsibility for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
- They agree not to pursue legal claims against PRISMA related to their participation.
13. Dispute Resolution
13.0 Dispute Resolution
PRISMA maintains a structured dispute resolution process designed to ensure fairness, accountability, and the protection of all parties involved, while also shielding PRISMA from unnecessary legal burdens. By participating in PRISMA’s spiritual offerings, all members and participants agree to this process and waive their right to pursue civil litigation against PRISMA regarding any disputes that arise.
13.1 Informal Resolution
- Members are encouraged to address conflicts directly and respectfully whenever possible.
- If a resolution cannot be reached, parties may request a facilitated discussion with a PRISMA Navigator or Elder.
- This process is confidential, and all parties agree not to disclose the details of disputes outside of PRISMA.
13.2 Binding Religious Arbitration Clause
- PRISMA requires that all disputes related to PRISMA’s religious practices, sacraments, policies, or governance be resolved through binding religious arbitration, in accordance with PRISMA’s faith-based authority and RFRA protections.
- PRISMA’s Sole Board Member or designated Advisory Elders shall serve as the final spiritual authority in religious disputes.
- Members agree that civil lawsuits against PRISMA are not permitted and that all disputes must be resolved through PRISMA’s internal processes.
13.3 Mediation & Conflict Review
- If informal resolution is unsuccessful, a formal written complaint must be submitted.
- PRISMA’s Sole Board Member will review the issue and initiate a resolution process, potentially engaging a third-party mediator if deemed necessary.
- If an external mediator is required, PRISMA will select an individual with experience in faith-based conflict resolution.
- All mediation costs shall be split evenly between all disputing parties.
13.4 Financial Responsibility for Dispute Resolution
Any member who initiates a formal dispute resolution process must compensate PRISMA for all direct and indirect costs incurred. All costs will be communicated transparently before dispute resolution proceedings begin, including but not limited to:
- Time and labor costs of Elders, Navigators, and PRISMA representatives involved in the dispute resolution process.
- Loss of income, compensation, or damages caused by defamation, libel, or slander, including any misrepresentation of PRISMA, its sacraments, or its community.
- Reimbursement for travel, lodging, meals, and associated costs incurred by PRISMA representatives for dispute resolution or mediation.
- Any attempt to share negative or defamatory experiences about PRISMA publicly, including but not limited to social media, online platforms, or direct communication with other members, is strictly prohibited and constitutes grounds for legal action.
13.5 Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- All parties involved in a dispute must agree in writing that they will not disclose or discuss the dispute outside of PRISMA’s established resolution channels.
- Any breach of confidentiality, including discussing disputes in public forums, will be considered a violation of PRISMA’s community agreement and ethical guidelines.
By engaging in PRISMA’s spiritual offerings, all members and participants explicitly agree to this dispute resolution process, including waiving civil litigation, submitting to faith-based arbitration, and assuming financial responsibility for dispute-related expenses. These terms protect PRISMA from undue legal and financial burdens, while ensuring a fair, respectful, and integrity-driven resolution process. PRISMA maintains a structured dispute resolution process to ensure fairness, accountability, and community integrity.
13.1 Informal Resolution
- Members are encouraged to address conflicts directly and respectfully whenever possible.
- If a resolution cannot be reached, parties may request a facilitated discussion with a PRISMA Navigator or Elder.
13.2 Formal Dispute Process
- If informal resolution is unsuccessful, a formal written complaint may be submitted.
- PRISMA’s Sole Board Member will review all concerns and initiate a resolution process.
13.3 Mediation & Conflict Review
- If necessary, an impartial third-party mediator may be appointed.
- All disputes will be handled with confidentiality, respect, and a commitment to fairness.
14. Privacy Policy
14.0 Privacy Policy & Technology
14.1 General Information
- Legal Entity Name: PRISMA
- Business Type: PRISMA operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
- Governing Law: PRISMA follows all applicable laws under the USA, Nashville, TN jurisdiction.
14.2 Data Collection & Usage
14.2.1 Personal Information Collected
PRISMA collects the following types of personal information from its members and participants:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Address
- Payment Information
- Medical or Health Information (e.g., for ceremonies or intake forms)
- Preferred Name, Personal Pronouns, Neurodiversity and LGBTQIA2S+ self-identification
14.2.2 How Data is Collected
Data is collected through the following methods:
- Website Forms – Contact forms, signup forms, event registration, social media, and instant messages.
- Membership Registration – Data entered during the member application process.
- Intake Forms for Ceremonies – Used for screening and safety purposes.
- Cookies & Tracking Technologies – PRISMA does not currently use cookies but reserves the right to utilize them for website login, personalization, and access customization.
- Third-Party Integrations – PRISMA utilizes Fluent Forms, Fluent CRM, Fluent Marketing, and Stripe for data collection and processing.
- Manual Data Processing – Information may be collected in person, via text message, or through event participation using paper, iPads, or other manual methods.
14.2.3 Purpose of Data Collection
Personal data is used exclusively for the following purposes:
- Processing membership applications
- Scheduling ceremonies and services
- Sending newsletters, updates, and communications
- Processing payments and donations
- Conducting marketing and analytics
- Ensuring legal compliance and RFRA protections
- Supporting safety, harm reduction, and best practices for member safety
14.2.4 Sensitive Data Handling
PRISMA collects limited sensitive information, such as medical and spiritual history, for screening purposes. This information is:
- Self-reported and not a medical diagnosis.
- Encrypted and securely stored during transmission.
- Only retained for the duration necessary to complete registration or intake assessment.
14.3 Data Sharing & Third Parties
14.3.1 Data Shared with Third Parties
PRISMA operates under the 501(c)(3) nonprofit framework and is fully compliant with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). All collected data is strictly used to facilitate membership activities, spiritual guidance, and ceremonial participation within PRISMA. PRISMA does not share or utilize data beyond its spiritual mission.
PRISMA only shares user data with the following third-party services:
- Payment Processors (e.g., Stripe) – Handles all transactions related to donations and purchases.
- Analytics (Google Analytics) – Used to track website usage data for improvements.
- Internal CRM and Email Services – PRISMA does not use external marketing providers outside of internal organization tools.
14.3.2 Data Usage and Membership Exclusivity
- PRISMA does not sell, trade, or rent user data to any third parties.
- All personal data collected is solely used for PRISMA membership purposes and to ensure the safety and spiritual alignment of participants.
- PRISMA maintains strict confidentiality policies in accordance with RFRA protections and nonprofit compliance.
14.3.3 Data Retention Policy
- PRISMA retains personal data indefinitely, unless a user requests deletion.
14.4 User Rights & Consent
14.4.1 User Rights
Members and explorers have the right to:
- Confirm what data is collected, as they manually enter it during registration.
- Request data deletion, which will result in termination of membership and access to services.
- Opt-out of communications, acknowledging that they may not receive important membership updates.
14.4.2 Cookies & Tracking
- Essential Cookies – Used only for website functionality, such as login and security.
- Analytics Cookies – Google Analytics is used for internal tracking.
- Opt-out Options – PRISMA does not currently offer a separate opt-out option for essential cookies; users may browse in incognito mode if preferred.
14.5 Security, Technology & Compliance
14.5.1 Security Measures
PRISMA takes security seriously and implements the following protections:
- Encryption – SSL, HTTPS encryption is used to protect all sensitive data.
- Limited Access – Only authorized personnel (Navigators and essential staff) have access to user data.
- Manual Review for Sensitive Information – Any self-reported sensitive information is only stored temporarily and securely processed.
14.5.2 Encrypted Communications & Technology Use
PRISMA is committed to using secure, encrypted communication tools for sensitive discussions, including:
- Signal (End-to-End Encrypted Platform) – Used for Pathfinder Calls, Navigation discussions, and member intake screenings.
- Secure Web Forms – All intake and registration data is encrypted during transmission.
- Email Security – Official PRISMA communications will only originate from @prisma.energy email addresses.
PRISMA does not permit recording or external sharing of ceremonies, discussions, or spiritual guidance materials without prior authorization.
14.5.3 Children’s Privacy
- PRISMA does not collect data from minors under the age of 18.
- No parental consent procedures are applicable since PRISMA’s services are for individuals 21+.
14.6 Contact & Policy Updates
14.6.1 Privacy Policy Updates
- Users will be informed of policy changes via website notification.
14.6.2 Contact Information for Privacy Concerns
For privacy inquiries, users may contact:
- Email: support@prisma.energy with the subject line “Privacy Concerns”.
This Privacy Policy & Technology Section ensures transparency in PRISMA’s data handling, aligning with its commitment to spiritual integrity, member safety, and RFRA compliance.
15. Acceptance of Terms
15.0 Acceptance of Terms
15.1 Acknowledgment of Agreement
By engaging with PRISMA’s services, participating in ceremonies, or becoming a member, explorers confirm that they have read, understood, and accepted the terms outlined in PRISMA’s policies, including but not limited to:
- The Code of Ethics
- The Medical and Safety Disclaimer
- The Member Responsibility Agreement
- The Liability Waiver
- The Privacy Policy
- The Non-Medical Status Acknowledgment
Explorers affirm that their participation is voluntary and that they fully assume responsibility for their decisions and experiences within PRISMA.
15.2 Informed Consent
- Explorers acknowledge that all ceremonies and services provided by PRISMA are spiritual in nature and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychological condition.
- Participants agree that they have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarification regarding their rights, responsibilities, and the nature of PRISMA’s offerings.
- By proceeding, explorers confirm that they have no medical, psychological, or legal objections to their participation and have disclosed any relevant information as required by PRISMA’s screening process.
15.3 Commitment to Ethical and Responsible Participation
- Members and participants agree to adhere to PRISMA’s Code of Ethics and conduct themselves with respect, integrity, and accountability in all engagements.
- Participants commit to following all safety protocols, preparation guidelines, and integration recommendations to ensure a meaningful and secure experience.
- PRISMA reserves the right to deny participation to anyone who does not meet the Essential Eligibility Criteria or is found in violation of ethical or safety standards.
15.4 Non-Transferability of Membership and Participation
- Membership and participation in PRISMA’s ceremonies are non-transferable and cannot be assigned or shared with others.
- Any attempt to misrepresent oneself or bypass PRISMA’s screening process may result in immediate revocation of membership and exclusion from future participation.
15.5 Right to Modify Terms
- PRISMA reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time to align with evolving best practices, legal requirements, or organizational needs.
- Members will be notified of significant changes via PRISMA’s website or email communications.
- Continued participation after such updates constitutes acceptance of the modified terms.
15.6 Governing Law and Legal Agreement
- This agreement is governed by and construed under the laws of the United States, State of Tennessee (Nashville jurisdiction).
- Any disputes arising from participation in PRISMA’s offerings shall be resolved through internal mediation, with legal proceedings only as a last resort under RFRA-protected religious practice.
15.7 Final Acknowledgment and Agreement
By proceeding with PRISMA’s membership, ceremonies, or services, participants affirm that:
- They fully understand and accept all outlined terms.
- They participate willingly and in good faith within PRISMA’s spiritual framework.
- They agree to release PRISMA from any liability associated with their participation.
- They recognize PRISMA’s right to uphold its mission, ethical values, and safety standards in all interactions.
This Acceptance of Terms ensures that all explorers engage with PRISMA’s spiritual practices in a fully informed, ethical, and responsible manner, fostering a sacred space for transformation and growth.
16.Contact Information
16.0 Contact Information
16.1 Purpose of Contact Information
PRISMA is committed to ensuring transparency and accessibility while maintaining the privacy and security of its members and facilitators. All inquiries, concerns, and requests should be directed to the official PRISMA contact channels to uphold compliance with RFRA protections and 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
16.2 Official Contact for PRISMA
For all inquiries, including:
- Membership and participation questions
- Privacy and data concerns
- Safety and compliance matters
- Requests for clarification on PRISMA policies
- General organizational inquiries
Please contact PRISMA at:
Email: support@prisma.energy16.3 Privacy and Confidentiality Considerations
- PRISMA does not publicly disclose personal contact information for Navigators, facilitators, or members to protect privacy and spiritual confidentiality.
- All communications will be handled with discretion, adhering to PRISMA’s privacy policies and RFRA protections.
- For discussing sensitive, personal, or spiritual information, all video and phone calls—including Pathfinder, Navigation, and other membership calls—occur on a trusted, encrypted communication channel, Signal.
- Responses to inquiries may take up to 5 business days, depending on the nature of the request.
16.4 Policy on Third-Party Communications
- PRISMA does not engage in unsolicited communications or share contact details with third parties.
- Official correspondence from PRISMA will always originate from the prisma.energy domain.
- Members are encouraged to report any suspicious or unauthorized communications claiming to represent PRISMA.
16.5 Updates to Contact Information
- Any updates or changes to PRISMA’s contact channels will be communicated via the official PRISMA website and through direct member notifications.
This Contact Information section ensures secure and transparent communication while maintaining the integrity and privacy of PRISMA’s members, facilitators, and sacred practices.
17. Emergency Procedures & Crisis Response
17.0 Emergency Procedures & Crisis Response
17.1 Purpose & Scope
PRISMA is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all explorers participating in entheogenic ceremonies. While all ceremonies are conducted with carefully controlled conditions, it is essential to have clear emergency procedures in place to manage medical, psychological, and safety concerns.
By engaging in PRISMA’s offerings, explorers acknowledge that they may experience intense emotional, psychological, or physical reactions and agree to comply with PRISMA’s safety protocols.
17.2 Crisis Prevention & Safety Measures
PRISMA follows strict preventative measures to minimize the likelihood of emergencies:
- Comprehensive Screening: All explorers complete an intake process to assess physical, psychological, and spiritual readiness.
- Medical & Psychological Readiness: PRISMA ensures all participants are aware of contraindications and medication risks.
- Safe Ceremony Space: All ceremonies are conducted in controlled, private environments with trained Navigators present.
- Emergency Plans in Place: PRISMA maintains clear protocols for handling physical, medical, and psychological crises.
- Post-Ceremony Integration Support: All explorers are encouraged to engage in post-ceremony debriefing and integration sessions to ensure long-term well-being.
17.3 Handling Medical Emergencies
While rare, medical emergencies require immediate attention. PRISMA has emergency protocols in place to address:
- Severe physical distress (e.g., seizures, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing).
- Cardiovascular symptoms (e.g., chest pain, irregular heartbeat, extreme blood pressure changes).
- Severe allergic reactions.
- Serious dehydration or physical exhaustion.
Emergency Response Protocol:
- Navigator Assessment: A trained Navigator will assess the situation.
- Medical Support: If necessary, emergency medical professionals will be contacted.
- On-Site Support: Explorers experiencing discomfort will be monitored in a separate recovery space.
- Post-Incident Documentation: PRISMA will complete an incident report to evaluate and improve safety measures.
17.4 Handling Psychological & Emotional Crises
Entheogenic experiences may trigger intense emotions, trauma processing, or psychological distress. PRISMA Navigators are trained to manage non-medical emotional crises by:
- Providing grounding techniques (breathing exercises, verbal reassurance).
- Maintaining a calm, supportive environment.
- Ensuring explorers are not left alone during distressing episodes.
- Guiding participants through post-ceremony integration.
If an Explorer Exhibits Signs of Psychological Distress:
- Navigator Support: The individual will receive one-on-one attention and reassurance.
- Controlled Recovery Time: The explorer will be given time in a safe, quiet environment.
- Follow-Up Integration: A post-ceremony session will be offered to ensure continued emotional processing.
- Referral for Additional Support: If distress persists, PRISMA may recommend additional psychological or therapeutic support.
17.5 When External Medical or Psychological Help is Required
PRISMA Navigators are trained to support explorers through challenging experiences but are not licensed medical professionals. If an explorer presents severe distress beyond PRISMA’s capacity, external emergency services may be called. Situations that warrant external intervention include:
- Severe, prolonged psychological distress or dissociation.
- Clear intent to harm self or others.
- Medical complications requiring hospitalization.
Explorers acknowledge that by participating, they accept the possibility of emergency intervention if deemed necessary by PRISMA Navigators.
17.6 Explorer Responsibility
By engaging in PRISMA ceremonies, explorers agree to:
- Disclose all relevant medical and psychological history during intake.
- Follow all safety instructions provided by Navigators.
- Remain in the ceremonial space until deemed stable and ready to leave.
- Communicate honestly about any distress or discomfort they experience.
Failure to comply with safety protocols may result in exclusion from future PRISMA events.
17.7 Documentation & Incident Reporting
In the event of an emergency, PRISMA will document the incident to improve future safety measures. Reports may include:
- Nature of the emergency (medical or psychological).
- Actions taken by Navigators.
- Outcome and recommendations for future improvements.
All reports remain confidential and are used strictly for internal safety assessment and compliance with PRISMA’s ethical standards.
17.8 Final Acknowledgment
By participating in PRISMA, explorers acknowledge:
- They have read and understand PRISMA’s Emergency Procedures & Crisis Response.
- They accept the risks involved and will follow all safety protocols.
- They release PRISMA from liability for unforeseen medical or psychological reactions, acknowledging PRISMA’s non-medical status.
This section ensures that PRISMA maintains the highest standards of safety and responsibility while protecting both the organization and its explorers.
18. Participant Conduct & Community Expectations
18.0 Participant Conduct & Community Expectations
18.1 Purpose & Overview
PRISMA is committed to fostering a respectful, safe, and sacred environment for all explorers, Navigators, and members of our spiritual community. This section outlines the expected conduct of all participants engaging in PRISMA ceremonies, programs, and interactions.
18.2 Core Community Principles
Participants are expected to uphold the following principles while engaging in PRISMA’s offerings:
- Respect for Sacred Space – All ceremonial and communal spaces are to be treated with reverence, cleanliness, and intention.
- Confidentiality & Trust – Personal experiences shared within the community must be held in confidence, respecting privacy and vulnerability.
- Mutual Respect & Inclusivity – PRISMA welcomes individuals of all identities and backgrounds. Discrimination, harassment, or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Personal Responsibility & Integrity – Participants must approach their spiritual exploration with sincerity, honesty, and a commitment to their own growth.
- Safety & Consent – Participants must respect the physical and emotional boundaries of others. Any form of non-consensual behavior, including unwanted touch, coercion, or undue influence, is strictly prohibited.
18.3 Prohibited Conduct
The following behaviors are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate removal from PRISMA events, revocation of membership, or legal action if necessary:
- Violence & Aggression – Any form of physical violence, threats, or aggressive behavior toward other participants or facilitators.
- Disruptive Behavior – Repeated interruptions, failure to follow ceremonial guidelines, or engaging in conduct that disturbs the experience of others.
- Substance Use & Intoxication – PRISMA ceremonies are sacred experiences; alcohol and non-sacramental drug use before or during ceremonies is prohibited.
- Sexual Harassment & Misconduct – Unwanted advances, inappropriate comments, or any violation of PRISMA’s strict sexual boundaries policy.
- Unauthorized Recording & Information Sharing – Taking photos, videos, or audio recordings without explicit consent from PRISMA and all participants.
18.4 Confidentiality & Respect for Privacy
- Sacred Privacy – All personal experiences, stories, and disclosures shared during ceremonies, integration circles, or community discussions must remain confidential.
- No Public Disclosure – Participants agree not to publicly share identifying information or details of PRISMA events without consent.
- Reporting Concerns – Any breach of confidentiality should be reported directly to PRISMA leadership for resolution.
18.5 Enforcement & Consequences
PRISMA reserves the right to take corrective action in cases of misconduct, including but not limited to:
- Verbal or Written Warnings – Initial incidents may be addressed through warnings and reminders of PRISMA’s guidelines.
- Temporary Suspension – Participants may be suspended from PRISMA events or activities based on severity.
- Permanent Expulsion – In cases of serious misconduct, PRISMA reserves the right to permanently revoke membership and bar participation in future events.
- Legal Action – If conduct involves threats, harassment, or harm, PRISMA may pursue legal action as necessary.
18.6 Participant Acknowledgment
By engaging in PRISMA’s ceremonies, programs, and community, participants agree to:
- Adhere to the Code of Ethics and Community Expectations outlined in this document.
- Treat all members, Navigators, and sacred spaces with respect and integrity.
- Accept responsibility for their behavior and choices within the PRISMA community.
- Honor the safety, confidentiality, and spiritual intent of PRISMA’s sacred work.
This section ensures that PRISMA remains a safe, respectful, and transformative environment for all participants. Violations of these expectations compromise the sanctity of the experience and will be addressed in alignment with PRISMA’s ethical standards and spiritual mission.
19. Donations and Refunds
19.0 Donations and Refunds
19.1 Voluntary Donations & Membership Contributions
PRISMA operates as a faith-based religious organization and sustains its mission through voluntary contributions from its members and supporters. As a Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)-protected organization, PRISMA does not sell sacraments or ceremonies, nor do sacraments constitute a commercial exchange. Participation in ceremonies is by invitation only and is offered as a spiritual benefit of membership to those who share PRISMA’s sincerely held religious beliefs.
To sustain our community and provide access to ceremonial experiences, members are encouraged to contribute financially in alignment with their ability. These contributions support the infrastructure, spiritual guidance, ceremonial preparation, safety protocols, and ongoing education that uphold PRISMA’s sacred mission. PRISMA operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit spiritual organization, relying on donations to sustain its mission, ceremonies, and community offerings. Donations contribute to the facilitation of spiritual exploration, sacred ceremonies, and integration support.
This policy clarifies PRISMA’s approach to donations, financial contributions, and refund eligibility.
19.2 No Purchase or Transactional Exchange of Sacraments
Sacraments are sacred gifts and are never exchanged for financial payment. Contributions made to PRISMA are for the ongoing support of the organization, ceremonial space, community services, and mission alignment. Any suggested donation amounts reflect the costs associated with the stewardship of these experiences, not the value of a sacrament itself.
Members understand that financial contributions are not required to participate in PRISMA but are deeply appreciated to ensure the sustainability of our offerings.
- All contributions to PRISMA are considered charitable donations in alignment with its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
- Donations support ceremony facilitation, operational costs, community resources, and accessibility programs.
- Contributions are voluntary and non-refundable as they are not payments for services, but support for PRISMA’s mission.
19.3 Refund Policy
All financial contributions, including membership donations and suggested contributions for ceremonial participation, are considered religious offerings and are therefore non-refundable. Members acknowledge that donations are given in good faith to support PRISMA’s mission and services.
However, PRISMA recognizes that circumstances may arise where rescheduling or adjusting contributions is necessary. In such cases:
- Members may request to reschedule participation in a future ceremony if notice is given in accordance with PRISMA’s scheduling policies.
- Requests for adjustments will be considered on a case-by-case basis, ensuring alignment with PRISMA’s spiritual integrity and financial sustainability.
- Contributions made in error (e.g., duplicate transactions) may be corrected upon request.
By participating in PRISMA, members acknowledge that their contributions are voluntary acts of support for a religious organization and not payments for services or goods. PRISMA reserves the right to adjust suggested donation amounts and contribution structures as necessary to sustain the community.
- Non-Refundable Donations: All donations, including those made in support of ceremonies, membership, or integration programs, are non-refundable.
- Event Rescheduling: If a ceremony or event is postponed, donations may be credited toward a future ceremony or program at PRISMA’s discretion.
- Hardship Consideration: In exceptional cases of financial hardship, PRISMA may review refund requests on a case-by-case basis, but is under no obligation to grant refunds.
19.4 Donation Transparency
- PRISMA maintains full financial transparency regarding how donations are used.
- Members and donors may request general information on how contributions support PRISMA’s operations.
- Donations are processed through secure payment platforms (e.g., Stripe) and follow all legal compliance standards.
19.5 Retreat & Product Donations
PRISMA offers retreats and spiritual gatherings as an extension of its mission to provide sacred experiences for members. Contributions toward retreats are not payments for services, but donations that help cover logistical costs, including:
- Lodging, meals, and venue expenses.
- Facilitator and operational support.
- Sacred space preparation and maintenance.
- Retreat donations cover operational costs (lodging, meals, space rental, facilitator support) and are not payments for sacraments.
- Books, ceremonial tools, and other materials are provided in exchange for donations, maintaining RFRA-compliant language.
- Donations are non-refundable except in specific hardship cases reviewed by PRISMA leadership.
PRISMA also provides books, ceremonial tools, and other materials as part of its mission. When members contribute financially toward these items, their donation is an act of support for PRISMA’s teachings and spiritual mission, rather than a commercial exchange.
Donations for retreats and materials are voluntary, non-refundable, and help sustain PRISMA’s ability to serve its members.
19.6 Final Acknowledgment
By making a donation or contributing financially to PRISMA, members acknowledge that:
- Donations are voluntary contributions to a nonprofit spiritual organization.
- There is no expectation of goods, services, or financial return.
- Refunds are not available, except under PRISMA’s sole discretion for hardship cases.
- All contributions support PRISMA’s spiritual, educational, and ceremonial mission.
This Donations & Refund Policy ensures financial clarity, compliance, and alignment with PRISMA’s nonprofit values.
20. intellectual Property & Use of PRISMA Content
20.0 Intellectual Property & Use of PRISMA Materials
20.1 Protection of PRISMA’s Brand and Sacred Materials
PRISMA maintains the legal rights to its intellectual property (IP), including branding, proprietary terms, spiritual frameworks, and visual assets. These elements are fundamental to PRISMA’s mission, spiritual identity, and community integrity.
All PRISMA members and participants agree to respect and uphold these intellectual property protections, ensuring that PRISMA’s sacred teachings, symbols, and terminology remain used only in alignment with the organization’s mission.
20.2 PRISMA Trademarks and Brand Elements
PRISMA’s trademarks, copyrighted materials, and unique terminology are protected and may not be used, copied, or distributed without express written permission. The following intellectual property is owned and protected by PRISMA:
PRISMA Brand Name and Logo
- PRISMA™ – The official name of the organization.
- PRISMA Brandmark™ – The word PRISMA and its distinct typeface, geometric logo, and visual stylization.
- Colorized and Non-Colorized Use of Sacred Geometry Vector Equilibrium – This sacred symbol is an integral part of PRISMA’s identity and reflects its mission.
- Distinct Color Combinations – The specific combinations of purple, purple and pink, and rainbow hues associated with PRISMA’s brand.
- Typeface Combinations – PRISMA utilizes Wavehaus and Nunito Sans together in a distinct way that is part of its unique brand identity.
Sacred Language and Proprietary Terminology
PRISMA has developed a unique spiritual framework that includes sacred words, ceremonial roles, and community structures that are proprietary to the organization. These terms are part of PRISMA’s legally protected intellectual property:
- Sacred Terminology & Program Structure
- Explorer™
- Explorer Program™
- Navigators™
- Navigator Call™
- Pathfinder Call™
- Frequency™
- Frequency Pod™
- Titles within the Explorer Program™, including:
- Orbiter™
- Seeker™
- Apprentice™
- Pathfinder™
- Sojourner™
- Trailblazer™
- Scout™
- Sage™
- Elder™
- Taglines and Slogans
- Reflective and Radiant Community™
- Reflective and Radiant Community for Brilliant Beings™
- Perfect Brilliance™
- BRILLIANCE™ – The name of PRISMA’s newsletter.
- Distinct Visual & Conceptual Elements
- Depictions of Crystals, Rainbow Clouds, and Universe as seen in PRISMA’s branding, ceremony visuals, and educational materials.
20.3 Use of PRISMA’s Intellectual Property
All PRISMA intellectual property (IP) is exclusively for the organization’s spiritual and ceremonial purposes. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of PRISMA’s brand, terminology, or materials is strictly prohibited.
Members and Public Use
- Members may not use PRISMA’s name, symbols, ceremonies, or terminology outside of the PRISMA community without written approval.
- No one may offer ceremonies, courses, or services under PRISMA’s name unless authorized as a PRISMA-affiliated Navigator or facilitator.
- PRISMA’s teachings and terminology may not be modified, rebranded, or commercialized in any form.
- Any content referencing PRISMA (blogs, articles, videos, presentations, etc.) must give proper credit and may not misrepresent PRISMA’s mission.
Organizational and Commercial Use
- Third parties may not use PRISMA’s trademarks, sacred terms, or visual branding without a formal licensing agreement.
- PRISMA reserves the right to pursue legal action against unauthorized use of its intellectual property.
20.4 Reporting Unauthorized Use
PRISMA is committed to protecting its sacred language, community structures, and ceremonial integrity. If you encounter unauthorized use of PRISMA’s branding, terminology, or teachings, please report it to support@prisma.energy.
All members are encouraged to respect the integrity of PRISMA’s intellectual property as part of their commitment to the spiritual community.
This Intellectual Property Policy ensures that PRISMA’s mission, sacred language, and ceremonial practices remain protected, fostering a safe, authentic, and legally compliant space for spiritual exploration.
21. Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk
21.0 Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk
21.1 Understanding of Participation
PRISMA is a faith-based spiritual organization that facilitates entheogenic sacraments for spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and healing. Participation is entirely voluntary, and members must acknowledge their personal responsibility in engaging with these experiences.
By participating in PRISMA’s offerings, members affirm their understanding of these practices, their responsibilities, and the inherent risks involved. PRISMA is a faith-based spiritual organization that facilitates entheogenic sacraments for the purpose of spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and healing. Participation in PRISMA’s ceremonies and related activities is entirely voluntary, and members must understand the potential risks, responsibilities, and non-medical nature of these experiences before engaging.
By choosing to participate in PRISMA’s offerings, members affirm that they have been fully informed of the nature of these practices, their personal responsibility, and the assumption of all associated risks.
21.2 Voluntary Participation & Personal Responsibility
- Members understand that participation in PRISMA ceremonies is by invitation only and a spiritual benefit of membership.
- Members acknowledge that entheogenic experiences can induce profound psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects, which may be challenging to process.
- PRISMA does not guarantee specific outcomes from participation, as each experience is unique.
- Members take full responsibility for their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being before, during, and after participation.
- Members understand that participation in PRISMA ceremonies and spiritual practices is entirely voluntary and undertaken at their own discretion.
- Members acknowledge that entheogenic experiences can induce profound psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects, which may be challenging to process.
- Members accept full responsibility for their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being before, during, and after participation.
- PRISMA does not guarantee any specific outcomes from participation and recognizes that each experience is unique to the individual.
21.3 Non-Medical Status & No Guarantees of Healing
- PRISMA is a spiritual, not medical or psychological, organization and does not provide medical treatment or therapy.
- PRISMA Navigators are not licensed medical professionals and do not offer medical advice, psychiatric counseling, or clinical interventions.
- Members agree that entheogenic sacraments are not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care and are encouraged to consult their healthcare providers before participation.
- PRISMA is a spiritual, not medical or psychological, organization. It does not provide medical diagnoses, psychiatric evaluations, psychological therapy, or clinical treatment.
- PRISMA Navigators are not licensed medical professionals, therapists, or counselors and do not offer medical advice or mental health treatment.
- Members agree that entheogenic sacraments are not a substitute for medical treatment or psychiatric care.
- Members are strongly encouraged to consult their own healthcare providers before participating, especially if they have medical or psychological concerns.
21.4 Acknowledgment of Risks
By participating, members acknowledge the following:
- Psychological & Emotional Risks – Entheogenic sacraments may bring up deep emotional processing, trauma, or challenging experiences.
- Physical Risks – Temporary effects such as nausea, dizziness, or altered perception may occur.
- Spiritual & Existential Considerations – Experiences may challenge personal belief systems or induce profound shifts in consciousness.
- Legal Considerations – While PRISMA operates under RFRA protections, members assume full personal responsibility for their participation and acknowledge the legal context surrounding entheogenic sacraments.
Members acknowledge that engaging in entheogenic ceremonies may involve certain risks, including but not limited to:
- Emotional or Psychological Distress – Deep emotional processing may arise, including suppressed trauma or challenging introspective experiences.
- Physical Reactions – Nausea, dizziness, increased heart rate, or other temporary physiological effects may occur.
- Spiritual or Existential Challenges – Experiences may challenge personal belief systems, induce profound shifts in consciousness, or trigger existential questioning.
- Legal Considerations – PRISMA operates under RFRA protections, but members acknowledge that entheogenic sacraments remain regulated substances in many jurisdictions and assume personal responsibility for their participation.
By participating, members affirm that they have considered these risks and take full personal responsibility for their experiences and integration process.
21.5 Confidentiality & Group Agreements
- Members agree to maintain the confidentiality of other participants' identities, personal experiences, and any information shared within PRISMA spaces.
- Social media sharing of PRISMA ceremonies, teachings, or experiences must be done with integrity and without misrepresenting sacred practices.
- PRISMA reserves the right to restrict or remove content that violates the integrity, confidentiality, or ethical standards of the community.
- Members agree to maintain confidentiality regarding the identities, personal experiences, and shared content of all participants in PRISMA ceremonies.
- Members commit to following PRISMA’s safety protocols and the guidance of trained Navigators to ensure the well-being of all participants.
- Any concerns, medical issues, or distressing experiences must be reported to PRISMA Navigators for appropriate support.
21.6 PRISMA’s Limited Liability & Assumption of Risk Agreement
By participating in PRISMA’s ceremonies or spiritual programs, members confirm that:
- They fully assume all risks associated with participation.
- They release PRISMA, its Navigators, and facilitators from any liability related to emotional, psychological, physical, or legal consequences of participation.
- They accept full personal responsibility for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
- They agree not to pursue legal claims against PRISMA related to their participation.
By participating in PRISMA’s spiritual offerings, members agree that:
- They fully assume all risks associated with entheogenic participation and spiritual exploration.
- They release PRISMA, its Navigators, facilitators, and affiliated members from any liability for personal injury, psychological distress, or legal consequences arising from participation.
- They understand and agree that PRISMA is not liable for any unforeseen reactions, emotional difficulties, or integration challenges that may occur.
- They agree not to pursue legal claims against PRISMA related to their participation, understanding that all participation is voluntary and undertaken at their own discretion.
21.7 Final Acknowledgment
By engaging in PRISMA’s ceremonies, teachings, or spiritual programs, members confirm:
- They have read and fully understand this Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk agreement.
- They acknowledge that participation is voluntary and undertaken with full awareness of potential risks.
- They release PRISMA from any legal or financial liability related to their participation.
- They accept complete personal responsibility for their experience and integration process.
This agreement ensures that PRISMA participants engage with full awareness, respect, and personal accountability, upholding the integrity of PRISMA’s sacred work. By engaging in PRISMA’s ceremonies, teachings, or spiritual programs, members confirm that:
- They have read and fully understand this Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk agreement.
- They acknowledge that participation is voluntary and undertaken with full awareness of potential risks.
- They release PRISMA from any legal or financial liability related to their participation.
- They accept complete personal responsibility for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
This Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk agreement ensures that all PRISMA participants engage with full awareness, respect, and personal accountability, upholding the integrity of PRISMA’s sacred work.
- Members understand that participation in PRISMA ceremonies is by invitation only and a spiritual benefit of membership.
22. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
22.0 Jurisdiction & Governing Law
22.1 Legal Formation & Status
PRISMA is a faith-based religious organization operating under 501(c)(3) nonprofit status and is classified as a 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based entity. PRISMA is legally incorporated in Delaware, a jurisdiction known for providing strong protections for religious organizations and nonprofits.
As a 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based organization, PRISMA maintains religious autonomy and exemption from certain federal and state oversight that applies to secular nonprofits. This status ensures PRISMA’s right to self-governance, spiritual independence, and religious practice under federal law.
22.2 Governing Law & Jurisdiction
PRISMA operates under the laws of the State of Delaware, where it is legally incorporated, while also conducting operations in Tennessee, where ceremonies, events, and community activities take place.
- Delaware Law (Incorporation & Governance):
- PRISMA is incorporated in Delaware as a 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based nonprofit and follows Delaware laws for corporate structure, nonprofit governance, and financial compliance.
- Any disputes related to PRISMA’s internal governance, nonprofit status, or organizational structure shall be governed by Delaware law.
- Tennessee Law (Operations & Local Compliance):
- PRISMA operates physically in Tennessee, meaning any in-person activities, real estate matters, local event regulations, or operational compliance requirements fall under Tennessee jurisdiction.
- PRISMA will abide by local zoning laws, property agreements, and state-specific regulatory requirements as they apply to its presence in Tennessee.
- Any disputes related to local operations, facility use, or in-person activities in Tennessee shall be handled under Tennessee law.
- PRISMA operates under the laws of the State of Delaware, where it is incorporated.
- For legal matters related to PRISMA’s religious operations, internal governance, and organizational structure, the laws of Delaware shall apply.
- For matters related to ceremonial practice, religious sacraments, and spiritual offerings, PRISMA operates under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993, which prohibits government interference in religious practices unless a compelling state interest is demonstrated.
- Any legal disputes must first be addressed through PRISMA’s internal mediation and arbitration process before seeking external resolution.
22.3 Religious Freedom Protections (RFRA)
As a faith-based religious organization, PRISMA’s entheogenic ceremonies, sacramental use, and spiritual practices are protected under RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993). Under RFRA:
- PRISMA’s entheogenic ceremonies are protected under RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993).
- PRISMA maintains full religious autonomy and operates outside of secular commercial regulations.
- Members acknowledge that sacraments are a religious practice, not a transactional service.
- The government may not substantially burden PRISMA’s religious practices unless it demonstrates a compelling interest and uses the least restrictive means possible.
- PRISMA members acknowledge that participation in entheogenic sacraments is a religious and spiritual practice, not a commercial service.
- PRISMA’s spiritual offerings, ceremonies, and teachings are provided exclusively within a religious framework and are not subject to secular commercial regulations.
22.4 Dispute Resolution & Internal Arbitration
To protect PRISMA’s religious autonomy, all disputes related to PRISMA’s operations, membership, and religious services must first be resolved internally through a structured mediation process:
- Internal Mediation – Disputes must first be submitted in writing to PRISMA’s leadership for faith-based mediation.
- Religious Arbitration – If mediation does not resolve the issue, the matter will be reviewed by PRISMA’s designated arbitration council.
- Final Binding Decision – The arbitration council’s ruling shall be final and binding, in accordance with PRISMA’s internal governance policies.
PRISMA members agree not to pursue external legal action related to religious participation, sacraments, or disputes unless all internal processes have been fully exhausted.
22.5 Member Agreement & Legal Acknowledgment
By participating in PRISMA’s spiritual offerings, members acknowledge and agree that:
- All legal and governance matters shall be governed by the laws of Delaware.
- PRISMA’s status as a 508(c)(1)(A) faith-based organization ensures self-governance and religious autonomy.
- Disputes must first be addressed internally through PRISMA’s mediation and arbitration process.
- RFRA protections apply to PRISMA’s religious sacraments and practices.
- Members voluntarily agree to these legal terms as a condition of participation.
This Jurisdiction & Governing Law section ensures that PRISMA’s legal standing, religious protections, and governance structure remain secure, safeguarding both the organization and its members from external interference.
- Delaware Law (Incorporation & Governance):
23. Community Safety and Ethics Enforcement
23.0 Community Safety & Ethics Enforcement
23.1 Commitment to Safety & Ethical Conduct
PRISMA is committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and ethically grounded environment for all members, Navigators, and participants. This policy outlines the procedures for handling violations of community safety, ethical concerns, and misconduct within PRISMA spaces.
23.2 Zero-Tolerance Policies
PRISMA maintains a zero-tolerance policy for the following behaviors:
- Harassment, Discrimination, or Bullying – Any verbal, physical, psychological, or online harassment toward members, Navigators, or PRISMA facilitators.
- Violence or Threats of Harm – Any act of physical aggression or threats of harm toward oneself or others.
- Breach of Confidentiality – Sharing private or sacred information from PRISMA ceremonies or teachings without consent.
- Substance Misuse – Use of alcohol, non-sacramental substances, or prohibited drugs within PRISMA spaces or events.
- Misrepresentation of PRISMA – Unauthorized claims of affiliation, teachings, or services under PRISMA’s name.
23.3 Reporting & Enforcement Procedures
PRISMA ensures that all reports of misconduct are taken seriously and handled through the following process:
- Submission of Concern – Any member may submit a concern to PRISMA leadership at support@prisma.energy.
- Review & Investigation – PRISMA leadership will assess the situation and, if needed, request additional statements.
- Resolution & Consequences – PRISMA may issue:
- A verbal or written warning for minor infractions.
- Temporary suspension of membership privileges.
- Permanent removal from PRISMA for serious violations.
- Legal action, if necessary.
All decisions regarding enforcement actions are at PRISMA’s sole discretion to maintain community safety and ethical alignment.
24. Amendments and Policy Updates
24.0 Amendments & Policy Updates
24.1 PRISMA’s Right to Update Policies
PRISMA reserves the right to amend, modify, or update these policies as necessary to align with legal, ethical, and spiritual best practices. Policy updates may be made in response to:
- Changes in legal frameworks affecting PRISMA’s nonprofit and RFRA status.
- Community feedback or safety concerns requiring refinement of procedures.
- The evolution of PRISMA’s spiritual practices and organizational structure.
24.2 Notification of Changes
- Members will be notified of significant policy updates via email or website notifications.
- Continued participation in PRISMA offerings implies agreement to updated policies.
- Members may request clarification on policy changes by contacting support@prisma.energy.
25. Media & Public Relations
25.0 Media & Public Representation Policy
25.1 Official Representation of PRISMA
- Only the Founder and Lead Navigator is authorized to speak on behalf of PRISMA.
- No other members, Navigators, or facilitators may provide official statements, interviews, or public commentary regarding PRISMA’s operations, beliefs, or ceremonies.
25.2 Social Media & Public Sharing
- Members must represent PRISMA with integrity when discussing the organization online.
- Confidential or sacred teachings, ceremonies, or internal discussions may not be shared publicly.
- PRISMA reserves the right to request removal of unauthorized or misleading posts.
25.3 Press & Media Inquiries
- Any media inquiries must be directed to support@prisma.energy.
- Unauthorized public representation of PRISMA may result in membership review or termination.
This policy ensures that PRISMA maintains a consistent and ethical presence in both digital and public spaces.